Data protection

Apart from the geodata (longitude and latitude) and your confirmed entries (bus route and reason for complaint), this website does not collect any other data. So no personal data is collected.
To verfiy that your input was made from a mobile device, the user agent is recorded. This is a string that identifies the browser and operating system.
Also the IP address is recorded. This is necessary to determine the location and make sure that these data came from a maltese Network.
IP and user agent cannot be traced back to individuals.
As with every server, access data (time, IP and page accessed) is recorded. This is pure metadata which cannot be traced back to individuals.

The geodata is used to determine the nearest bus stop to your location. The bus route and reason for complaint are used to (hopefully) improve the service.

The data you enter will be transmitted in pure form to the Maltese Government and Transport Malta. However, it is possible that this data may be made available to universities and the press if there is media interest.